Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Weathering Wanderlust

"I'm shakin' the dust of this crummy little town off my feet and I'm gonna see the world. Italy, Greece, the Parthenon, the Colosseum..." -- George Bailey (James Stewart) It's a Wonderful Life

There's nothing in the world like the feeling I get when I know I have a trip coming. From the moment I book it, just the knowledge that I am GOING somewhere, anywhere, gives me a combination of stomach-flutters, body tingles and involuntary idiot-like grinning. I am big on countdowns; I love watching the number of days 'til I leave get smaller and smaller. I produce detailed packing strategy spreadsheets (this is very ME) and when I can actually put clothes in a suitcase, I get so excited that I nearly jump out of my skin!

However, since I became a mama, our freedom to travel has been just a little inhibited. With our first son, it was more difficult to get away, but we made it work. We took the Big Guy to London for a week when he was just ten months old. But as he got older, and Little Guy came along, it just became too difficult logistically to do it. Our travel destinations were rerouted to Walt Disney World. Make no mistake, though -- I love, love, love to go to Disney and I am truly blessed to be able to share my childhood memories with my boys. But we will have to wait until the boys get a little older to do the kind of traveling we fantasize about. Until then, I must patiently suffer through this wanderlust I have -- the voracious, ever-present desire within me to GO. SEE. EXPERIENCE.

'Weathering Wanderlust' is going to be a multi-part post. In order to deal with my temporarily postponed adventures (the aforementioned weathering), I am constantly dreaming of new places to go. This list is long, varied, and fantastic. I am excited to delve a little deeper into the culture and character of my dream destinations. And even more excited for the day my dreams become reality!

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